Dusty Melamine Table

November 15, 2023

CW: general depiction of depressive living

You sit with your cigarette
At your dusty melamine table
At home as you linger

You sit with your legs uncrossed
With droopy eyes and mismatched socks
From the micronation of youth

And every time you try to rectify what might have went wrong
You end up at this table again
And every time you realize your virtues are opinions
You go back home
You sit in the dark
You go

You sit with your lukewarm Coke
In a creaky fiberboard chair
As it goes, as is normal

You sit with your tie untied
You're tired and
From your very own cult

And every time you try to deify what could have gone right
You end up at this table again
And every time you realize that your quirks are your undoings
You go back home
You sit in the dark
You go

You sit with your lonely self
In a dusty underkempt room
As is your method

You figure with your diligence
You'll break and
Unlock penitence
From your very own prison

You figure with your penitence
You'll learn and
Practice diligence
You figure with your diligence
You'll practice
Acting penitent

You figure with your system
That you'll leave this table
for good
You'll be leaving the chair
Leaving the house
You'll go

So every every time you try to rectify what might have went wrong
You end up at this table again
And you never really realize your virtues are opinions
You stay at home
You stay in the dark
You go

And sit with your cigarette
At your dusty melamine table